Mama was busy today figuring out what I should be for Halloween. Not that I'm going out anywhere, but I do get to greet the few kids that come to our home for their candy fix.
Mama said I can't have any of the candy in the Pumpkin pail.
Back to Mama's dilemma.
First she was a bit more conservative...
Then she decided to bring a little Japanese into my outfit.
This is the outfit my Uncle Kei & Auntie Michiko brought from Japan.
You wear this during festivals. Hapi Coat.
She said I'm the perfect "Drag Queen" and that I should be on stage with the beautiful boyz at Tranny Shack.
I must admit I do like to dress up.
I think I should get at least one treat from that dang Pumpki pail after this fashion show I just put on.
Don't you?