Oh I have to tell you all about my stay at the Hotel Kabuki. I thoroughly enjoyed trotting into the Hotel. The doorman said hello and he opened the door for me too. Special thanks to Auntie Naomi at the Hotel Kabuki for getting us the room.
The Nihonmachi Street Fair was a huge success and i got stay with Mama the entire time! I got to see my cousins Tubby and Bonanza too.Tubby was jumping all over the place and well Bonanza didn't say a word. We just looked at each other and said hey whatz up.
Here'a picture of Bonanza in his island harness and sunglasses. He's the king of the Buchanan Mall.
He's perched on the Ruth Azawa Fountain just watching all the peeps walk by. No expression what's so ever ^O^
Uncle Edgar said Bonanza is very stubborn. Dad said I'm stubborn too. OH and we don't do tricks.
My Uncle Will took photos of me working at the Street Fair. He somehow is able to get the right shot all the time.
He even got a shot of me in which I look KINDA like Yoda.
Some of Mama's friends on FaceBook said I should have held a cane. Don't know if the resemblance is a good thing or bad thing. Well all I have to say is that Yoda is a Jedi and so am I.
May the force be with you.