Monday, August 22, 2011

I know I know

Did ya think I closed up shop?

I've been mighty busy you know! Working the Nihonmachi Street Fair is not an easy thing to do.

Did you come down? Uncle Charley had me go on the Ho`olaule`a Stage and Mama put me in my hula skirt. I became the official Nihonmachi Street Fair mascot! Here I am with Auntie Sumiko.

This year at the Nihonmachi Street Fair they had a booth dedicated to all of the four legged family members. I along with cousin Bonanza of Aloha Warehouse greeted all the many doggies and their Mama & Dads who came. And let me tell you there were many. Even the great folks at Pets Are Wonderful Support shared our booth on Saturday. They do great work and I hope you support this important organization.

Uncle Brandt of SumoFish made doggie tshirts for all the NSF staff doggies. Maybe next year we can sell these too!

Oh and I got to stay at the Hotel Kabuki again too!! Thanks Auntie Naomi!

Mama is still trying to catch up with life so my blog may be a bit spotty.

Big thanks to Auntie Denise and Uncle Will for taking the photos!

One last thing. I turned 12 this year. Compared to my contemporaries in Japan I think I look hella young. Don't you think?
These guys are all over 10 years old. But they all are very happy old geezers.

Welcome to Teppei Boy!

Teppei is the name of our boy. Ok ok he is a pug, but to me and my husband he is our little boy. He's brought so much joy into our lives and continues to entertain us with his facial expressions that say so much. And that is why I have started this blog, to share with you Teppei's photos and what he's wanting to say.

I'm hoping to chronicle his life here so that you can see how much this little boy means to us.

Now without further a do...My Teppei Boy