I've been mighty busy you know! Working the Nihonmachi Street Fair is not an easy thing to do.
Did you come down? Uncle Charley had me go on the Ho`olaule`a Stage and Mama put me in my hula skirt. I became the official Nihonmachi Street Fair mascot! Here I am with Auntie Sumiko.
This year at the Nihonmachi Street Fair they had a booth dedicated to all of the four legged family members. I along with cousin Bonanza of Aloha Warehouse greeted all the many doggies and their Mama & Dads who came. And let me tell you there were many. Even the great folks at Pets Are Wonderful Support shared our booth on Saturday. They do great work and I hope you support this important organization.
Uncle Brandt of SumoFish made doggie tshirts for all the NSF staff doggies. Maybe next year we can sell these too!
Oh and I got to stay at the Hotel Kabuki again too!! Thanks Auntie Naomi!
Mama is still trying to catch up with life so my blog may be a bit spotty.
Big thanks to Auntie Denise and Uncle Will for taking the photos!
One last thing. I turned 12 this year. Compared to my contemporaries in Japan I think I look hella young. Don't you think?
These guys are all over 10 years old. But they all are very happy old geezers.