Friday, May 11, 2012

There's a New Kid in Town

Yesterday I noticed something from the corner of my eye.

Hmmm...what is that?

It smells funny.

It has no whiskers or no fur.

Mama!! What the heck is that?

Everyone, meet my little brother Chibi.
Mama said if I'm good to Chibi then MAYBE I can have a REAL little brother that smells and has whiskers.
Mama I am very content being an only child. Thank You.


  1. soooooooooo cute chibi chan! where did you find him? haha.. teppei.. it is nice to have brothers and sisters. maybe reconsider ;)

  2. Denise got little Chibi Chan at this shopping event I went to. Nah, Teppei doesn't even acknowledge Chibi. Totally ignores him. Yapashi he will remain an only child.


Welcome to Teppei Boy!

Teppei is the name of our boy. Ok ok he is a pug, but to me and my husband he is our little boy. He's brought so much joy into our lives and continues to entertain us with his facial expressions that say so much. And that is why I have started this blog, to share with you Teppei's photos and what he's wanting to say.

I'm hoping to chronicle his life here so that you can see how much this little boy means to us.

Now without further a do...My Teppei Boy