Saturday, June 6, 2009

Connected to a far away relative in Japan!!

We pugs can be found in many countries, I found a relative in Japan. His name is Benbo. He is really a cutie pie just like me. And he is the reason that my Mama has been looking for this Judo-gi, which I may add Mama's brother Kei in Japan found and is sending over! I'm going to include below a short message in Japanese for Benbo as his Papa emailed me tonight.


Isn't this just great to find friends/relatives in far away places? I'm just overwhelmed. Now hopefully Mama will take me to Japan one day. Heh-heh...but wait that means I would have to be crated and take some kind of medicine. On second thought, maybe just emailing/blogging with my relatives in Japan will have to suffice.

Have a great evening everyone!


  1. My mommy played with a pug cousin of your yesterday!! His name was Xander!

  2. Cool. I wonder if Xander is related on my Mama's or Dad's side. Was he cute? Then must be Mama's. Heh-heh.


Welcome to Teppei Boy!

Teppei is the name of our boy. Ok ok he is a pug, but to me and my husband he is our little boy. He's brought so much joy into our lives and continues to entertain us with his facial expressions that say so much. And that is why I have started this blog, to share with you Teppei's photos and what he's wanting to say.

I'm hoping to chronicle his life here so that you can see how much this little boy means to us.

Now without further a do...My Teppei Boy