Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Found My Elephant BF

My Auntie Monica showed Mama a video on an elephant sanctuary. Here the elephants get to live their lives in peace and harmony. They also meet other elephants and become best friends. Although most of the elephants pair off, there is one elephant that has a BF that is.....yup a canine four legged doggie.

One day the doggie got sick and couldn't come out to play with her BF elephant. The doggie stayed indoors at the sanctuary and every day the BF elephant would come by the gate and wait and wait.

Staff at the sanctuary saw this and brought the doggie out. And oh boy that was a tear jerker moment.

Mama had a dream that night. She dreamt that I had an elephant BF.

Look Mama that wasn't a dream!! I found my BF Elephant Daisy. She was here all along. She just got lost in the house and finally found her way to moi!

Daisy and I had so much catching up to do. It has been waaaaay too long.

Although in the video, the elephant was waaay bigger than the doggie, Daisy and I aren't too different in size.

I know some of you are thinking... "Teppei, Daisy is waay smaller than you!!"

The nerve. Remember this was a touching moment.

If you would like to view the story on FB click here.

Thank you Auntie Monica for sharing the story and for reminding me that friends come in all sizes, shapes, and colors.

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Welcome to Teppei Boy!

Teppei is the name of our boy. Ok ok he is a pug, but to me and my husband he is our little boy. He's brought so much joy into our lives and continues to entertain us with his facial expressions that say so much. And that is why I have started this blog, to share with you Teppei's photos and what he's wanting to say.

I'm hoping to chronicle his life here so that you can see how much this little boy means to us.

Now without further a do...My Teppei Boy