Thursday, May 28, 2009

Did I tell you that I'm a cheese connoisseur?  Give me a piece of brie, harvarti, even the stinky kind. I just love it.
Just don't give me yellow cheese. You know the kind that comes wrapped individually...American cheese. I'll turn my nose and look the other way. Yep I can be sort of a food snob. I don't know why I became so picky. Don't like dog biscuits. Love those organic dog jerkys, don't like smoked stuff...I think it's the smell.

But like any canine, I DO LOVE ME A GOOD STEAK BONE. I'll drag that sucker to my secret hiding place and gnaw on it forever.
Of course Mama takes it away once it gets a bit yucky. Oh well.

Ooooh is that ice cream???

1 comment:

Welcome to Teppei Boy!

Teppei is the name of our boy. Ok ok he is a pug, but to me and my husband he is our little boy. He's brought so much joy into our lives and continues to entertain us with his facial expressions that say so much. And that is why I have started this blog, to share with you Teppei's photos and what he's wanting to say.

I'm hoping to chronicle his life here so that you can see how much this little boy means to us.

Now without further a do...My Teppei Boy